Privacy Policy
How we store and handle your data
Joy Way privacy policy
Version: 2.1
Valid from: 12/08/2024

Terms used in this document

Privacy Policy (PP) - privacy policy.

Personal data (PD) - any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Processing of personal data - any actions carried out with personal data, including their collection, registration, input, storage, ordering, transformation, use, provision, transfer and disclosure, blocking or deletion.

Data controller (Data controller) or Company - a natural or legal person, agency or other structure that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purpose and means of processing, and also provides access to personal data. In this case, the controller of personal data is JoyWay LTD (phone: +35799915183, email:

Data processor is a natural or legal person, agency or other entity that, on behalf of the data controller, processes personal data-Google Inc.

Joy Way Website - hereinafter the Website or

User is an individual (data subject) from the age of 18 who uses the Site and can be directly or indirectly identified by using the data available in the data processing system.

User's consent is a free and unambiguous expression of the will of the User, through which, he gives permission to process his personal data for the specified purpose or purposes.

Cookies are small text files that are generated and stored on the user's device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) when visiting / browsing Sites:,,,,,, and


1. STRIDE - is a high-octane parkour adventure in virtual reality. Fight for your life as you hurtle through the canopy of a futuristic metropolis.

Meta Quest Store AppID: 4901911359882668
Meta Quest Store Link:

2. Time Hacker - is an addictive VR game where your creative ability is what gets you through the levels. Your only weapon is the power to stop time.

3. AGAINST - is a rhythmic journey through crime-ridden streets and their phantasmagoric seamy side.

4. Dead Hook - is an adventure roguelite VR game featuring FPS and RPG elements.

Meta Quest Store AppID: 8896303273744663
Meta Quest Store Link:

5. RED FLOWERS - A lightning-fast action VR platformer in which the enemy always outnumbers you, and the cost of a mistake is death.

Meta Quest Store AppID: 5505917179443550
Meta Quest Store Link:

6. STACK - is a VR multiplayer game about dashing through post-apocalyptic environments and timing disc bounces to eliminate your opponents.

Meta Quest Store AppID: 5366874313435765
Meta Quest Store Link:

7. STRIDE: Fates - a sequel to the original STRIDE that pushes the parkour action formula even further. In this full-fledged new game, join the elite forces of SkyChase to traverse and shoot your way through a blockbuster story adventure.

Meta Quest Store AppID: 5968439973240748
Meta Quest Store Link:

7. EXOcars - Experience the thrill of high-speed VR racing with EXOcars! Jump into the driver’s seat and compete against real players in fast-paced multiplayer battles or tackle the challenge of asynchronous races.

Meta Quest Store AppID: 8057795767629913
Meta Quest Store Link:

Legal basis for PD processing

We process data in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) N 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the EU Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals in the processing of Personal Data and on the free circulation of such data, referred to as the General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR') , as well as on the basis of an agreement between the company and the person who entered into the agreement, provided by the link when filling out the form on the website. If you do not provide Personal Data or do not wish to provide it, then we will not be able to provide you with the opportunity to participate in testing beta versions of games, so please make your choice carefully.

Our main principles

Joy Way respects the privacy of the User and this PP explains what happens to his PD, which he leaves when concluding an agreement and registering through the form at

Agreement with the provisions of this PP and with the terms of PD processing is confirmed by a mark in the appropriate box after reading the PP.

PD children

Our website and the offer to participate in game testing are addressed to the widest possible audience, but we do not allow for participation by children under 18 years of age. We do not collect any information about the age of our visitors. However, if you are a parent or guardian of a child whose PD has been posted on our website in some way, please contact us immediately by email at and we will delete this information within 7 days.
The main ways of obtaining personal data of Users

1) The user provides Personal Data directly (for example, when registering or when signing up for testing the beta version and accepting an agreement).

2) Personal data is collected automatically when the User views or uses the Site, for example using cookies (for more information, see the sections of the Cookie Policy).

3) The user can voluntarily provide Personal Data when connecting and using third-party services integrated into the Site.

4) The Company collects Personal Data from User via third-party services, namely data that is recorded as part of the regular operation of game and Internet servers, as well as platforms for the distribution of the Games.

Links to other sites

Links to external sites exist and will continue to appear on the Site and in the registration form. The data controller has no control over their content and is not responsible for them. These sites have their own Privacy Policies and you are directed to review them. This policy applies only to the Joy Way site and the agreements posted on the Site.

User rights

1. Access to Personal Data. Find out (request) what Personal Data of the User is stored and processed by us.

2. Check and correct your PD if they are incomplete and / or incorrect.

3. Withdraw your Consent to the collection and processing of PD at any time if you have previously given consent to the processing of your Personal Data.

4. Submit a complaint to the supervisory authority for the protection of Personal Data.

5. To object to the processing of Personal Data.

6. Demand (request) the restriction of the processing of Personal Data and / or the deletion of Personal Data.

7. Receive your Personal Data and transfer it to another controller. The company will provide the data to the user in a structured, commonly used format, if applicable and technically possible.8. Submit to JOYWAY LTD a claim by e-mail to if they believe that their rights and interests have been violated. We will do our best to remedy the situation.

Additional information on rights

To revoke consent to the collection and processing of personal data, you must send a message to about the termination of the processing of personal data. But taking into account the nondisclosure agreement, the data that you provided when signing the agreement will be saved until the end of the agreement. Please note that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of any processing based on your consent prior to the withdrawal.

To exercise any of your rights, please email with the question that you would like to receive an answer to and did not find it in the texts of the Joyway Policy. The request will be reviewed within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request from you. Send us an email at with the words "personal data" in the header or body of the email, and an explanation of what data rights you wish to exercise. Before responding to your request, we may take steps to verify your identity to protect you.

Who we share your personal data

Joy Way may use personal data in conjunction with suppliers who help Joy Way in providing services and interacting with Users. For example, Joy Way may engage third parties to ensure that messages are sent on Joy Way's behalf or to help store data. Joy Way has not given permission to any third parties to use the Users' personal data for advertising purposes, and Joy Way is not liable to Users for illegal actions of third parties under any circumstances. Joy Way may disclose the User's personal data within the law or to protect rights and interests, if such disclosure is necessary to comply with the law or to prevent fraud. In particular, Joy Way may disclose the User's personal data in response to official requests from government agencies or in case of receiving a complaint against the User in connection with violation of the rights of third parties and / or the Agreement on the grounds provided for by law.

We do not transfer your Personal Data received using the form on the Site from you to other countries. But you can give your consent to the cross-border transfer of your Personal Data. To do this, after reading the Policy, you need to put a tick in the check-box of the form on the Site. If we receive your consent to the transfer of Personal Data, we may start transferring your Personal Data to countries other than the country from which it was originally received. The recipients of your Personal Data may also be located abroad, including outside the EU or the European Economic Area. The respective countries may not have laws that protect your Personal Data to the same extent as the laws of Switzerland, the EU, or the European Economic Area.

Profiling and automatic customized solutions

"Profiling" is the process of automatically processing personal data to assess, analyze or predict various aspects of an individual. We do not profile personal data.

"Automated individual decisions" are automatic, that is, decisions made without appropriate human influence, decisions that have negative legal or other negative consequences for you. We do not use automated decision making. If Joy Way applies automated decision-making, it will make additions to the Policy.

In some cases, as well as on individual requests from you, if it is provided by law, Joy Way may inform you about each specific case of automatic individual decisions and whether this is required by law.

Protection of personal data

Joy Way believes that the effectiveness of confidentiality depends on the effectiveness of the security system and compliance with security requirements by the User himself. We can use administrative, technical and physical means to protect your personal data and take into account the nature of personal data, the procedure for their processing and the risks that arise. We may take appropriate security measures of a technical nature, for example, encryption, pseudonymisation, logging, access restriction, data protection, etc. and of an organizational nature, such as instructions for our employees, confidentiality agreements, controls, etc. to ensure security of your personal data in order to protect against unauthorized or illegal processes and to counteract the risk of loss, unintentional alteration, unwanted disclosure or unauthorized access. However usually security risks cannot be completely eliminated and some residual risks are inevitable.

An important role in the protection of personal data is assigned to the User, so if the User wishes to report or provide any information about himself, he should familiarize himself with the security requirements of the service, application or other resource used before entering his personal data into them.

Where is information about PD processed

The data is processed at the company's offices and any other places where the parties involved in the processing of personal data are located. Regardless of your location, you agree to the transfer of your data to the location of the company's office and to the locations of the parties involved in the processing of data in other countries and to their processing at the location of the office of the company and the parties involved in the processing in other countries. The laws of the country where the office is located and parties in other countries regarding the collection and processing of data may not be as detailed or strict as the laws of your country of residence. To find out more about the place of data processing, contact the company by e-mail and describe your situation or ask a question about the place of processing your data, we will respond within 30 days, unless there are unreasonable delays.

Policy update

This privacy policy applies to the Site, to the forms at and and to the Meta Quest platform. This PP can be changed by the company at any time. In case of changes, the User can familiarize himself with it on the Site. By continuing to use the Site, the User agrees to self-familiarize and accept the new PC. In case of disagreement, the User can immediately refuse to use the Site and from participating in testing beta versions of games, and demand that his PD be deleted.

Contact details

For all questions related to PP and PD, you can contact us by writing an email to We undertake to respond without undue delay, but no later than 30 days. Access to correspondence is limited and cannot be disclosed without written consent